Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Creation of 3 New Bags

Three new bags hand made by myself, stop by the website and check them out.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The #1 hit for fjoll on google!

I would like to thank everyone for all the support of my work, and for the inspiration they have given me.

After taking a short break from producing new items for the store, I will be back on schedule right after christmas with new jewelry and hopefully some ideas I will be sending out for production.

AND, is now the #1 hit when searching fjoll in google!  It might seem like a small accomplishment, but just a few months ago we were on page 3 haha.

I will also be putting up for sale a hard copy of my latest musical collaboration, manor de laurentis.
I personally screen printed these on letra envelopes with a vandercook, they should be up in the store soon.
Check out what the album is all about by clicking the portfolio octopus on the home page.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An insight to concrete planters

Here are some simple steps to creating a concrete planter yourself, although I have found this to be a one time production as the mold is only good for one go.

Step one: make a wooden or acrylic shape mold.  I have found acrylic glass held together with caulk or some other kind of easily removable sealant to work best, but wood and wood glue will work as well.
(You can also add other details such as a window, copper drain pipe, etc. to your concrete planter/building)

Step two: mix your concrete.  Portland concrete works best, and there is even a hardener element you can add to it to increase the strength.  I would suggest having at least 1/4" width minimum for all walls and the base.  Be sure to add some kind of slick element such as cooking oil to the sides of your mold before pouring in the concrete.

Step three: Pour your mold.  Add in your other elements to the side walls as you are pouring to make sure they are positioned correctly.  I would lean towards the watery side on your concrete mix, somewhere around the constancy of oatmeal.

Step four: Let your mold dry, it usually takes 2-5 days depending on where you live.  Remove your mold (often by destroying it) and plant some plants!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Greatest lighting ever

I don't think anyone could argue that this would make any place classy and exciting at the same time.
One of my favorite concepts.  I have been working on some ideas for portable lights that can be plugged in and used in any situation, more to come on this soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Angel necklace, and a great book!

5 new things in the fjoll store, &&

I've been doing a lot of research on my future container house, if anyone is interested this book is a must have.
It has insights into just about every project to date, and a ton of useful information.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Turquoise, Copper, Clocks that bling.

Some Turquoise earings

And a functioning clock necklace, glow in the dark hands, copper face.

Monday, October 4, 2010

5 New Things For The Store, and some bonsai news

First off here are some things I made today.

Secondly, I hear of a man who raised a bonsai orange tree,
and then after ten years it started producing oranges.

I feel like that is also a calling for me, so soon I will
be updating from seedling onward.  And also brainstorming
some great ideas for a planter.

When I finally have my own container house, I will grow
a bonsai forest on a shelf as well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

HUGE october sale starts today, along with new necklaces.

This one won't be in the store, but I really like how the fire scale turned out.

These however, will be in the store.  Gotta love that British Bling.

And the second old man is done.

Come check out the sale and new items.